Our Patients
All Dental work by Dr. Thomas M. Green and Haupt Dental Lab.

Patient 1
Porcelain veneers to restore the natural beauty of bonded and worn teeth
Patient 2
Regain a youthful appearance by replacing old, and worn dentures to a full smile and improved function
Patient 3
Replaced old crowns with dark edges with all ceramic crowns
Patient 4
A worn, and discolored smile can be renewed to proper form and function with a combination of all ceramic crowns and veneers
Patient 5
Chipped, bonded teeth are restored to a brighter more cosmetic appearance
Patient 6
Congenitally missing lateral incisors with spaces were closed orthodontically and veneers were placed to reshape the canine teeth for a more natural smile
Patient 7
Previously bonded anterior teeth were brought back to natural beauty with all ceramic restorations
Patient 8
Lower front teeth with a mix of old crowns and root canal darkness are restored to even, brighter color with porcelain veneers and 1 ceramic crown
Patient 9
Discolored teeth with many types of dental restorations can be straightened and whitened to esthetic function and form with all ceramic crowns
Patient 10
Very worn, chipped front teeth with spacing are restored to proper function, length, and appearance with all ceramic restorations.